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Former VP of United Artists and Sales Rep for MGM Visits Princess Theatre

In March of 2018, during a Saturday afternoon matinee, Weston Watts was working the box office. A gentleman and his wife stop by and mention he was a former sales rep to the Princess Theatre in the 1950s-60s out of the Memphis film office and hadn't been to the Princess since. He didn't mention his name but he noted he was making his way through from Nashville to Jonesboro, Arkansas. A few days later Weston received this letter and book in the maill. Bill Barber is his name and was usher and manager of a Malco Theatre in Memphis. Later, sales representative for Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) and ultimately Vice-President of the United Artists Theatre circut. He also produced the movie based on the true story of Corrie Ten Boom in "The Hiding Place" along with Evangelist Rev. Dr. Billy Graham. His book is available at Barns & Noble book stores. As quoted on Weston's Facebook page: "It is truly amazing how God can bring people into your life and share such kind things with you, through just a simple conversation at a Movie Theatre...otherwise I don't know that our paths would have ever crossed. It was such a blessing to receive this letter and this book in the mail today...Just thought I'd share with my social media followers. - This book is available at Barns and Noble."


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